Beipu Temple Hakka Flat Rice Noodles - Hakka Point

Home Beipu Temple Hakka Flat Rice Noodles

Beipu Temple Hakka Flat Rice Noodles

Store information

The original shop of "Beipu Temple Hakka Flat Rice Noodles" was named "Beipu Flat Rice Noodle", founded in 1989 by a Taiwan Railway retiree couple, is located at the corner of the intersection in front of the Citian Temple, the religious center of Beipu Township, the first shop named with “Beipu Flat Rice Noodle”. And because the meals are simple, pure and rich in traditional Hakka tastes, it is very popular with customers, and therefore it has established Beipu Xuan Tiao's reputation in the market!

"Beipu Temple Front Flat Noodle" is currently run by the second generation of the owner family, with ever-so friendly customer service, and great treatment of employees. Although it is a small local business, it has the mission of providing a friendly, hygienic and safe dining environment while providing air-conditioning, travel consultation, free wifi, mobile phone charging service, hot and cold water dispensers, air-pump services for cyclists, disable-friendly toilets for the most relaxing and friendly environment for our patrons and employees.


Address No. 13, Beipu St., Beipu Township, Hsinchu County 314, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Phone 0939135080
Remark nonholiday:9:30 -18:00


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Package ticket recommended
